What is common in Bengalis’ with Cats? Sure you read me correct; but it is not the big cats which are being referred here, comparison with which often used metaphorically to glorify The Bengali ethnicity. What is being referred here is about their similarity to the characteristics of domestic pet cats. Both of them are very much fond of their homey comfort and hardly prefer to venture out, or lazy if someone wants to put it bluntly. This laziness is so much so that notwithstanding their persistent backtracking in every sphere of life, be it cultural, social, artistic or intellectual prowess, from the renaissance period (nineteenth century to early twentieth century), arguably the best period of Bengal’s history, Bengalis prefers to bask on the past glory with a feel of content. We often refer our predecessor’s days and belch ‘those were the days’, as if it was utopia then and every great soul had l...
From my viewpoint - Alok Halder