It seems that using quotes from yesteryears eminent literary and poets, and use it in distorted way have become a fashion these days in West Bengal. From Rabindranath to Jibanananda, quotes are being indiscriminately used modifying their original version, partly or fully and incorporating new phrasing to the will of the presenter, be it for the advertisement for renowned real estate company or by individuals. It is, thereby, more often than not, brings about meanings which have no distant connection of inner meaning with its original version.
We are living in an era, where reading of books & periodicals in an old fashioned way has become almost outdated and it has become and becoming more and more through Smartphone etc. Old style local libraries have become oblivious. I doubt, people, who are unaware of originality of those prose and poems might consider these distorted versions as the original one, since the submitter of these versions merely acknowledge the original work in their submission. Especially, the way education system in our beloved State is going downhill, offspring coming out of it, I fear will someday forget the lineage of our past and become bunch of un-smart people with Smart phones and watches.
It is one thing to pick up couplets as it is and use it to express ones feelings, and another to distort part of it, to articulate, that too for business promotion. Freedom of speech and freedom of expression are alright, but I suppose, we have no right to distort our past glory for our vested interests.
Freedom should not be confused with Liberty.
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