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Showing posts from February, 2019

S.O.S - Reconcile with Mother Nature

The Khumbu Glacier in Nepal, pictured in 2009, is one of the Himalayan glaciers threatened by global warming (Photo: ICIMOD/ALEX TREADWAY HANDOUT, EPA-EFE)  With technological excellence, human race is scaling new heights and making life more comfortable. Advocators of technology always vocal about proving their point on how technology keep bringing revolutionary improvement in our livelihood for betterment, which is quite true, but on the flip side what they tend to envelop, willingly or unwillingly, is the fact that every day we are endangering ours own existence by way of marginalizing   natures balance. It is not about how a handful of technological freak advocates and conquers the battle of words, it is about billions of people or rather as we put it these days, “consumers” enslaving themselves by following propaganda orchestrated by those. Although mostly, but not all of these followers are having dearth of information about the hidden danger that are as...

Hay Days

Professor Himanshu’s report for OXFAM India (India Inequality Report 2018) once again unfurled the truth what BJP Government is hopelessly trying to sweep under the carpet.   The scenario is neither new nor the creation of the present Government but the exponential rate at which it has soared makes this present Government responsible. As per this report, when this Government came to power, India’s top 10% was holding 52% of the country’s wealth, which has grown into 63% by end of 2012.   In the same period India’s bottom 50%, already at a low of 9% further dipped to 5.3%. The so-called ‘ACCHE-DIN’ seems to be elusive for the masses whereas only handful of people near to the epicenter of power enjoys the hay days. As per the report, validation of common belief that inequality is the by-product of economic growth cannot be substantiated as in the last decade Indian billionaires increased their wealth by 10 folds, whereas the national per capita income only grew twice. ...